Welcome Back to the Dojo of the Five Skills

You progressed far in your first training session at the Dojo. This summer we will focus on fewer things, but go into more depth.  Please follow this link to see the rules for your summer at the Dojo. Do not use your real names here, only your call signs. You will be known again as Agents Rebel and Diablo and X. The boss of the Dojo uses the alias Contessa, and the op tech guy will be referred to as Q.

Languages: We will resume our studies of Latin, French and Chinese. There will be practice in these languages every day. We will start with  "Getting Started in Latin", and work our way through Rosetta Stone for French and for Chinese, and get to know 100 characters in Chinese.

Computers: Last summer we began learning HTML and wrote our first Web pages.  This summer we will review HTML, but then progress into learning the basic programming language of the Web:  JavaScript.  Once we get the basics down, we will take advantage JQuery, of one of the leading tool sets available for JavaScript, and then attempt to make our own Facebook application.  In contrast to last year, you will have more opportunity to come up with your own ideas and implement them on your own Web pages.

Electronics: We will take a break from robotics, and instead emphasize learning to cook, using an electric stove.

Martial Arts: You will practice mental discipline as well as physical training. There will be daily work assignment which must be properly completed. Although there will be smaller scale projects such as washing Fred, checking the oil and tire inflation, there will be 2 major project this summer:  we will be fixing the paint on our house, and building a pergola and porch swing for Contessa next to the pool. Although the work assignments will be demanding, agents who arrive prepared and on time, and who complete their assignments properly will receive $3/hour compensation.  Other martial arts will be added over the course of the summer.

Weapons and Tactics: As you know, this skill also includes leadership, organization and planning. We will have a series of field exercises to test and expand our knowledge and skills.

The daily schedule is here.

You may choose to have one or more friends join with you in any of these activities without fear of breaking mission integrity.

Wheels up at 1000 on Wednesday 29 June 2011.

here is agent Rebel's page

here is agent diablo's page